Life Begins At 35

I stop counting my age after my 35th birthday (when was that? *amnesia* ). So when someone asked me how old I am now, I was like... Huh?? Give me a minute! (then I start counting: this year minus my birth year) :D
It is not because I don't like getting older, but in my opinion, life begins at 35. I believe, if you want to change into a better person, it would be more difficult for you to do it if you haven't changed after you're 35 years old. On the contrary, the bad habits you have are more likely to become worst. I'm not saying that it's impossible to change when you're over 35.. But the older you get, the more difficult it becomes.
So the age of 30 should be your turning point. Do you want to change into a better person or stay that way? And 5 years of time should be long enough for the process. Of course, it takes the rest of your life to be a better person, but 5 years should be enough for the start.
You should stop thinking that you're the centre of the earth. There are other things more important than yourself. Then try to have some empathy for other's misfortunes. Last but not least, stop complaining, and start counting your blessings. That, I promise you, will transform you into the-new-you!
So, are you ready to transform now? ;)


Anonymous said...'s me again :)

Is today your b'day? I guess yes and i don't have to ask how old you are now but happy b'day!

But anyway, this posting is great!

Then my life is not begin yet ;)

Idenya Dini said...

Hahaha... Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Selamat ulang tahun Jeng! Sy iseng2 buka link my side of story, sepertinya suami begitu bangga dan mencintai Anda. Hebat ya!

Tapi apa ngga akan jadi RIYA ya kalo kita 'pamerkan' kebaikan2 kita kpd orang2. Sayang sekali rasanya kalo jadinya demikian. Secara blog ini pasti dibaca banyak orang dg opini yg bermacam2. And this is just my opinion ya...semuanya kembali kpd Anda berdua.

Mungkin akan lebih baik kalau ungkapan cinta kpd seseorang hanya diantara orang2 itu yg tau. Sekali lagi mungkin ya...

Kami lebih memilih 'low profile' dlm menjalani hidup dan prinsip 'kalau tangan kanan memberi, tangan kiri ngga boleh tau'. Kira2 begitu...

Ini hanya sekedar sharing opinion aja loh...

Idenya Dini said...

Maaf, lama jawabnya... bb-q di opname. hiks.

Soal isi blog, silakan komen di blog nya yaaa. Isi blog seseorang itu kan hak dari penulisnya, bukan hak saya, walaupun saya istrinya :)

Tapi sudah saya sampaikan saran anda. Jawaban hubby: sesuai judul: my side of story.

Pendapat saya pribadi, terus terang saya tidak menyangka hubby bisa sangat "honest" dlm penulisannya. Karena setau saya, dia pribadi yang introvert. Apapun itu, I just love the way he loves me. And I love him even more for it (kiss, kiss)

Anonymous said...

Right on honey...

Namanya juga My Side of Story