Are You A Good Friend?

Are you a good friend? Before you say yes, please check the list below.

- are you noticing when your friend is missing in the community more than a day?
- are you checking her/him up (by phone, bmm, etc) to know how's she/he doing when she/he still not around?
- are you forgiving her/him when she/he made a mistake?
- are you supporting her/his decision as long as it's good for her/him?
- are you telling her/him when she/he made fool of her/his self?
- are you wishing her/him well when she/he said that she/he is not feeling well?
- are you there when she/he needed you the most (Do you/don't you picked up the phone when she/he called you when you were sleeping)?

If your answers are mostly no, well, you are not a good friend. No wonder you're loosing her/him as a friend.

If all of your answers are yes, congratulation! You are a good friend.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.


Anonymous said...

Aku setuju banget tuh, mbak Dini. Sebeeeel banget sama orang-orang yang ngakunya temen.... Eeeh, aku ngilang beberapa hari di bbg gak dicariin. Aku kan pengennya ada yang sms kek, email kek, nanyain aku kenapa. *curcol*

Untungnya aku masih punya temen-temen yang benar-benar perhatian sama aku. Yang bener-bener ada saat aku butuhin.

Makasih ya, sharing-nya :)

Anonymous said...

Yes it's true, a friend in need is a friend indeed.

Sometime, through adversity, we can tell who are our true friends.

Good posting though

Idenya Dini said...

Hihihi... Gak apa-apa kok curcol :D

Senang bisa sharing. Terima kasih sudah mampir di blog saya :)

Anonymous said...

Jawaban saya hampir semuanya YES, cuma 1 yg sometimes NO. my best friend is a-married man and I am a-married woman also. *ngeplak jidat.

But hopefully I can be a good friend for others :)